Results for 'A. K. S. Lambton'

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  1. State and government in medieval Islam: an introduction to the study of Islamic political theory: the jurists.Ann K. S. Lambton - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I RELIGION AND POLITICS: THE LAW Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, believes in the divine origin of government. It follows, therefore, that political ...
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    The Cambridge History of Islam.Donald P. Little, P. M. Holt, Ann K. S. Lambton & Bernard Lewis - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):104.
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  3. Who's writing? Aristotelian ethos and the author position in digital poetics.K. S. Fleckenstein - 2007 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11 (3).
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    Biobanks--When is Re-consent Necessary?K. S. Steinsbekk & B. Solberg - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):236-250.
    The unknown nature of tomorrow’s research makes informed consent in biobank research a challenge. Whether the consent given by biobank participants is ‘broad’ or ‘narrow’, the ever present question remains the same: are new activities covered by the original consent? In this article, we focus on the meaning of, and the relation between, broad consent and re-consent in biobank research. We argue that broad consent should be understood as consenting to a framework—a framework which covers aims, core conditions for acceptable (...)
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  5. How physician executives and clinicians perceive ethical issues in Saudi Arabian hospitals.K. S. Saeed - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (1):51-56.
    OBJECTIVES: To compare the perceptions of physician executives and clinicians regarding ethical issues in Saudi Arabian hospitals and the attributes that might lead to the existence of these ethical issues. DESIGN: Self-completion questionnaire administered from February to July 1997. SETTING: Different health regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PARTICIPANTS: Random sample of 457 physicians (317 clinicians and 140 physician executives) from several hospitals in various regions across the kingdom. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in the perceptions of physician (...)
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    Liberation: The avowed goal of indian philosophy.K. S. Joshi - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1/2):77-81.
    The author has sought to remove a confusion regarding the state of liberation, (which is the avowed goal of indian philosophy), Arising from a failure to distinguish between two states both called 'samadhi.' in one sense, 'samadhi' is a state of deep contemplation wherein the mind is made to concentrate on a particular object, To the exclusion of all other thoughts. Another state, Called 'nirvikalpa samadhi,' comes into being when the mind is perfectly silent, Yet watchful and sensitive, Without any (...)
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    Globalization and Localization.K. S. Radhakrishnan - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:137-138.
    The Socio-Cultural pluralism and its fabrics in our society have been under the threat of religious fundamentalism and ideological extremism, which firmly believe that there can only one way of true expression and all other forms, are either substandard or false. This attitude has torn away the world into different isolated islands of human settlements. This state of affair is the outcome of multidimensional causes and one among them, no doubt, is related to one of the central issues of Philosophy, (...)
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    Foreword.B. K. S. Iyengar - 2009 - In Michael Stone, Yoga for a world out of balance: teachings on ethics and social action. Boston, Mass.: Shambhala Publications. pp. 5-6.
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    Right and Recognition: Criminal Action and Intersubjectivity in Hegel's Early Ethics.K. S. Decker - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (2):300-316.
    This paper explores one aspect of the political in the early Hegel, that of criminal action and its relationship to the concept of recognition in the System of Ethical Life. While it is clear that in this work Hegel thinks that criminal action plays an important role in the transformation of simple ethical communities, it is not clear that, for Hegel, the formal character of crime in the struggle for recognition is anything but negative. I attempt to show how this (...)
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  10. Method in ecology: strategies for conservation.K. S. Shrader-Frechette (ed.) - 1993 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, the authors discuss what practical contributions ecology can and can't make in applied science and environmental problem solving. In the first section, they discuss conceptual problems that have often prevented the formulation and evaluation of powerful, precise, general theories, explain why island biogeography is still beset with controversy and examine the ways that science is value laden. In the second section, they describe how ecology can give us specific answers to practical environmental questions posed in individual case (...)
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    Editor's introduction.S. K. - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (3-4):233-233.
    In the summer of 1997 one could scarcely enter a bookstore in Beijing without encountering Wang Xiaobo's pensive and defiant look on the cover of dozens of books displayed at the entrance. Wang had suddenly died in the spring of that year at the age of forty-five. Born in Beijing in 1952 to a family of intellectuals, he remained attached to China's capital despite periods of separation, such as during the Cultural Revolution, when he was sent to Yunnan to "learn (...)
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  12. Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for Populist Reforms.K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (3):269-270.
    Only ten to twelve percent of Americans would voluntarily live within a mile of a nuclear plant or hazardous waste facility. But industry spokespersons claim that such risk aversion represents ignorance and paranoia, and they lament that citizen protests have delayed valuable projects and increased their costs. Who is right? In _Risk and Rationality_, Kristin Shrader-Frechette argues that neither charges of irresponsible endangerment nor countercharges of scientific illiteracy frame the issues properly. She examines the debate over methodological norms for risk (...)
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    Cultural effect on perspective taking in Chinese–English bilinguals.Kevin K. S. Luk, Wen S. Xiao & Him Cheung - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):350-355.
    Some recent evidence has suggested that perspective taking skills in everyday life situations may differ across cultural groups. In the present study, we investigated this effect via culture priming in a group of Chinese-English bilingual adults in the context of a communication game. Results showed that the participants made more perspective taking errors when interpreting the game instruction under the Western than the Chinese primes. The findings suggest that the ability to assume others' mental states not only can be used (...)
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  14. Manas (Mind) Structure: Exposing the Mysterious Functional Anatomy in the Indian System of Medical Philosophy.M. K. S. Chauhan - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-6. Translated by MKS Chauhan.
    The mind is not structured anatomically, as emphasized by modern pathology. Instead, it is expanded as a whole in a subtle form behind the physical body. In the Indian system of medical philosophy, the mind is considered as the astral nerves made third body, which identified as the ‘Manomaya-sharira’ (subconscious mind). The mind is composed of millions of astralnadis, through which Pranic-energies circulate freely into the astral anatomy of mind. Seven-chakras are found parallel to the spine, serving as the major (...)
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    The Noncompliant Patient in Psychiatry: The Case For and Against Covert/Surreptitious Medication.K. S. Latha - 2010 - Mens Sana Monographs 8 (1):96.
    Nonadherence to treatment continues to be one of psychiatry's greatest challenges. To improve adherence and thus improve the care of patients, clinicians and patients' family members sometimes resort to hiding medication in food or drink, a practice referred to as covert/ surreptitious medication. The practice of covert drug administration in food and beverages is well known in the treatment of psychiatrically ill world-wide but no prevalence rates exist. Covert medication may seem like a minor matter, but it touches on legal (...)
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    How the Tail Wags the Dog: How Value Judgments Determine Ecological Science.K. S. Shrader-Frechette & Earl D. Mccoy - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (2):107-120.
    Philosophers, policymakers, and scientists have long asserted that ecological science – and especially notions of homeostasis, balance, or stability – help to determine environmental values and to supply imperatives for environmental ethics and policy. We argue that this assertion is questionable. There are no well developed general ecological theories having predictive power, and fundamental ecological concepts, such as 'community' and 'stability', are used in inconsistent and ambiguous ways. As a consequence, the contribution of ecology to environmental ethics and values lies (...)
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    Quark quantum numbers and the problem of microphysical observation.K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1982 - Synthese 50 (1):125 - 145.
    The main question addressed in this essay is whether quarks have been observed in any sense and, if so, what might be meant by this use of the term, observation. In the first (or introductory) section of the paper, I explain that well-known researchers are divided on the answers to these important questions. In the second section, I investigate microphysical observation in general. Here I argue that Wilson's analogy between observation by means of high-energy accelerators and observation by means of (...)
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    Environmental Impact Assessment and the Fallacy of Unfinished Business.K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1982 - Environmental Ethics 4 (1):37-47.
    Nearly all current attempts at environmental impact analysis and technology assessment fall victim to an ethical and methodological assumption that Keniston termed “the fallacy of unfinished business.” Related to one version of the naturalistic fallacy, this assumption is that technological and environmental problems have only technical, but not social, ethical, or political solutions. After using several impact analyses to illustrate the policy consequences of the fallacy of unfinished business, I suggest how it might be overcome. Next I present three standard (...)
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    Constructing options for health care reform in Hong Kong.Derrick K. S. Au - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (6):607 – 623.
    The Harvard Report, published in April 1999 for public consultation in Hong Kong, proposed a fundamental restructuring in its health care delivery and financing systems. The Report claims to be evidence-based in its approach (Hsiao et al., 1999a). While 'evidence' has been widely collected by the consultancy team through surveys, consultations and focus groups, the recommendations put forth are not value-free. They carry clear ideological preferences. The value assumptions and ethical presuppositions underlying the report are discussed in this paper. The (...)
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    Economics, Risk-Cost-Benefit Analysis, and the Linearity Assumption.K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:217 - 232.
    An offshoot of decision analysis, risk-cost-benefit analysis (RCBA) dominates US policymaking regarding science and technology. In this paper a central normative presupposition of RCBA, called "the linearity assumption" is argued against. This is that there is a linear relationship between the actual probability of fatality and the value of avoiding a social risk or the cost of a social risk. The main object of this essay is to show that the presuppositions underlying the linearity assumption are highly questionable. It is (...)
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    Recent Changes in the Concept of Matter: How Does 'Elementary Particle' Mean?K. S. Shrader-Frechette - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:302-316.
    In this paper the author analyzes the recent history of the concept of matter by examining two criteria, in-principle-observability and noncompositeness, for use of the term 'elementary particle'. Arguing that how these criteria are employed sheds light on a change in what matter means, the author draws three conclusions. Since the seventeenth century, in-principle-observability has undergone a progressive devaluation, if not abandonment, in favor of the criterion of theoretical simplicity. As a consequence, the concept of matter has undergone a "third (...)
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    Yoga wisdom & practice.B. K. S. Iyengar - 2009 - New York: DK.
    Iyengar Yoga Wisdom & Practice" is a practical and an inspiring anthology of Iyengar's insights into yoga, life and the path to peace and happiness. Yoga practice lies at the heart of the book, and it is illustrated with over 60 new step-by-step sequences of yoga postures specially shot in India and accompanied by Iyengar's illuminating observations on technique, their significance, and their benefits. This book not only presents Iyengar's practical advice on how to perform key yoga postures, but also (...)
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    Will You Forgive Your Supervisor’s Wrongdoings? The Moral Licensing Effect of Ethical Leader Behaviors.Rong Wang & Darius K.-S. Chan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422676.
    Moral licensing theory suggests that observers may liberate actors to behave in morally questionable ways due to the actors’ history of moral behaviors. Drawing on this view, a scenario experiment with a 2 (high vs. low ethical)×2 (internal vs. external motivation) between-subject design (N = 455) was conducted in the current study. We examined whether prior ethical leader behaviors cause subordinates to license subsequent abusive supervision, as well as the moderating role of behavior motivation on such effects. The results showed (...)
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    Experience and the Growth of Understanding. [REVIEW]S. K. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):137-138.
    A volume in the International Library of the Philosophy of Education under the general editorship of R. S. Peters, which will both interest and repay close study by epistemologists and philosophers of language, as well as philosophers of education. The book concerns concept formation and the growth of knowledge, i.e., as the general editor of the series writes, "the genesis of knowledge and not just the logical properties of its outcome." The book is divided into two parts: in the first, (...)
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  25. Epistemology, Political Perils and the Ethnocentrism Problem in Feminism.Oda K. S. Davanger - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):551-569.
    Nobody claims to be a proponent of white feminism, but according to the critique presented in this article, many in fact are. I argue that feminism that does not take multiple axes of oppression into account is bad in three ways: it strategically undermines solidarity between women; it risks inconsistency by advocating justice and equality for some women but not all; and it impedes the ultimate function of feminism function by employing epistemological “master’s tools” that stand in antithesis to feminist (...)
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  26. Yapay Zek' ile 2020-2025 Yıllarında Cinsiyete Göre Dindarlık Durumunun Tahmini.Muhammed Kızılgeçit, Murat Çinici & Esra Tuysuz - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:283-307.
    Religiosity continues to be the subject of both qualitative and quantitative studies in many branches of science. In this context, the dimensions of religiosity and its relationship with other variables are discussed. The aim of this study is to predict the future status of religiosity in the context of gender, based on current religiosity data. As a method, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technique, which provides both a systematic review description and a prediction for the future, is based on. In the (...)
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    Transmitting the Ideal of Enlightenment: Chinese Universities Since the Late Nineteenth Century.Ricardo K. S. Mak, Ricardo K. S. Mak, Guangxin Fan, Chan-fai Cheung, Michael Wing-hin Kam, Eva Kit Wah Man, Lauren Pfister, Timothy Man Kong Wong & Ka-che Yip - 2009 - Upa.
    This book is a collection of articles on different aspects of university education in China since the late nineteenth century, addressing how far the ideal of modern university education, which has gradually been developed in the West since the age of European Enlightenment, was adopted or transformed by Chinese universities.
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    Light on yoga.B. K. S. Iyengar - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    "The definitive work by B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher. B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar's unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of 'yoga for all', which has made it into the worldwide phenomenon it is today. 'Light on Yoga' is widely called 'the bible of yoga' and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students (...)
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  29. Adverbs of quantification.David K. Lewis - 1975 - In Edward Louis Keenan, Formal semantics of natural language: papers from a colloquium sponsored by the King's College Research Centre, Cambridge. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--15.
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    Vedānta and Bhagavadgītā: the unpublished writings of K. Satchidananda Murty.K. Satchidananda Murty - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Ashok Vohra & K. Ramesh.
    K. Satchidananda Murty (1924-2011) was a vociferous writer and an iconoclast. This volume is a collection of his unpublished writings. It includes Murty's views on the Veda, its meaning, relevance, and study, and shows the significance of the Vedāntic vision to the modern world. Murty elucidates the basic tenets of Advaita Vedānta and expounds the Advaitic doctrine of the relationships between Brahman and God, Brahman and the individual self, as well as between God and the world. In his writings, Murty (...)
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  31. Investigating modes of being in the world: an introduction to Phenomenologically grounded qualitative research.Allan Køster & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):149-169.
    In this article, we develop a new approach to integrating philosophical phenomenology with qualitative research. The approach uses phenomenology’s concepts, namely existentials, rather than methods such as the epoché or reductions. We here introduce the approach to both philosophers and qualitative researchers, as we believe that these studies are best conducted through interdisciplinary collaboration. In section 1, we review the debate over phenomenology’s role in qualitative research and argue that qualitative theorists have not taken full advantage of what philosophical phenomenology (...)
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  32. What Is Epistemic Public Trust in Science?Gürol Irzık & Faik Kurtulmuş - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1145-1166.
    We provide an analysis of the public's having warranted epistemic trust in science, that is, the conditions under which the public may be said to have well-placed trust in the scientists as providers of information. We distinguish between basic and enhanced epistemic trust in science and provide necessary conditions for both. We then present the controversy regarding the connection between autism and measles–mumps–rubella vaccination as a case study to illustrate our analysis. The realization of warranted epistemic public trust in science (...)
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  33. The political implications of Martin Heidegger's existentialism.K. Löweth - 1993 - In Richard Wolin & Martin Heidegger, The Heidegger controversy: a critical reader. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 167--185.
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  34. Communicative competence and capacity: What's the difference.K. Murata - 1993 - A Critical Review. Jacet Bulletin 24:121-137.
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    Philosophy of science after Mirowski’s history of the philosophy of science.K. Brad Wray - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (4):779-789.
    This article critical examines Mirowski's recent article in SHPS. I argue that his externalist history of the philosophy of science is unacceptable to philosophers' own understanding of their field and practice.
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    The cognition dimension of theory change in Kuhn’s philosophy of science.K. Brad Wray - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (3):610-613.
    This is an essay review of Andersen, Barker and Chen's The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
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  37. Hamlet's' Glass of Fashion': Power, Self, and the Reformation.K. Rothwell - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 80--98.
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    Does Zero-COVID neglect health disparities?Nancy S. Jecker & Derrick K. S. Au - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):169-172.
    Since the World Health Organization first declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic, diverse strategies have emerged to address it. This paper focuses on two leading strategies, elimination and mitigation, and examines their ethical basis. Elimination or ‘Zero-COVID’ dominates policies in Pacific Rim societies. It sets as a goal zero deaths and seeks to contain transmission using stringent short-term lockdowns, followed by strict find, test, trace and isolate methods. Mitigation, which dominates in the US and most European nations, sets targets for (...)
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    The use of personal health information outside the circle of care: consent preferences of patients from an academic health care institution.Sarah Tosoni, Indu Voruganti, Katherine Lajkosz, Flavio Habal, Patricia Murphy, Rebecca K. S. Wong, Donald Willison, Carl Virtanen, Ann Heesters & Fei-Fei Liu - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    Background Immense volumes of personal health information are required to realize the anticipated benefits of artificial intelligence in clinical medicine. To maintain public trust in medical research, consent policies must evolve to reflect contemporary patient preferences. Methods Patients were invited to complete a 27-item survey focusing on: broad versus specific consent; opt-in versus opt-out approaches; comfort level sharing with different recipients; attitudes towards commercialization; and options to track PHI use and study results. Results 222 participants were included in the analysis; (...)
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  40. Complicating Objectification in the Medical Encounter: Embodied Experiences in the ICU during COVID-19.Allan Køster, Anthony Vincent Fernandez & Lars Peter Kloster Andersen - 2025 - Journal of Medical Humanities 46 (1):75-90.
    Illness and injury are often accompanied by experiences of bodily objectification. Medical treatments intended to restore the structure or function of the body may amplify these experiences of objectification by recasting the patient’s body as a biomedical object—something to be examined, measured, and manipulated. In this article, we contribute to the phenomenology of embodiment in illness and medicine by reexamining the results of a qualitative study of the experiences of nurses and patients isolated in an intensive care unit during the (...)
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    Becoming anonymous: how strict COVID-19 isolation protocols impacted ICU patients.Allan Køster - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1031-1051.
    In this article, I provide phenomenological reflections on patients’ experiences of undergoing extreme isolation protocols while admitted to Intensive Care Units [ICU] during the first wave of COVID-19. Based on observation studies from within the patient isolation rooms and retrospective, in-depth phenomenological interviews with patients, I characterize this exceptional experience as one of becoming anonymous. To illustrate this, I start by establishing a perspective on embodied existence as constituted on a scale between anonymous embodiment and being enrooted into a personal (...)
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  42. The pessimistic induction and the exponential growth of science reassessed.K. Brad Wray - 2013 - Synthese 190 (18):4321-4330.
    My aim is to evaluate a new realist strategy for addressing the pessimistic induction, Ludwig Fahrbach’s (Synthese 180:139–155, 2011) appeal to the exponential growth of science. Fahrbach aims to show that, given the exponential growth of science, the history of science supports realism. I argue that Fahrbach is mistaken. I aim to show that earlier generations of scientists could construct a similar argument, but one that aims to show that the theories that they accepted are likely true. The problem with (...)
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  43. Epistemik Güvenilircilik ve Alvin Plantinga’da Tanrı İnancının Güvenilirliği Sorunu.Musa Yanık - 2020 - Din Ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 (6):181-208.
    Güvenilirci (reliabilist) bilgi teorisi, çağdaş epistemik gerekçelendirme kuramları içerisinde, dışsalcı (externalist) kuramın bir türü olarak kendisine yer bulmaktadır. Kısaca, bir inancı gerekçelendiren şeyin o inancın oluşturulduğu sürecin güvenilirliği olduğunu öne süren bu yaklaşım, bu bilişsel süreçleri özne dışı unsurlara bağladığı içinde dışsalcı bir pozisyonda yer almaktadır. Bu bilgi teorisinin tam karşı konumunda yer alan içselci (internalist) bilgi teorisi ise, özne merkezli bir yaklaşımla, doğru inancı gerekçelendirecek yöntemin, kişinin kendi zihinsel yapısından yola çıkarak, belli kognitif süreçler sonucunda ulaşılabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Epistemik (...)
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  44. Selection and Predictive Success.K. Brad Wray - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (3):365-377.
    Van Fraassen believes our current best theories enable us to make accurate predictions because they have been subjected to a selection process similar to natural selection. His explanation for the predictive success of our best theories has been subjected to extensive criticism from realists. I aim to clarify the nature of van Fraassen’s selectionist explanation for the success of science. Contrary to what the critics claim, the selectionist can explain why it is that we have successful theories, as well as (...)
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  45. Should patients with self–inflicted illness receive lower priority in access to healthcare resources.K. Sharkey & L. Gillam - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):661-665.
    The distribution of scarce healthcare resources is an increasingly important issue due to factors such as expensive ‘high tech’ medicine, longer life expectancies and the rising prevalence of chronic illness. Furthermore, in the current healthcare context lifestyle-related factors such as high blood pressure, tobacco use and obesity are believed to contribute significantly to the global burden of disease. As such, this paper focuses on an ongoing debate in the academic literature regarding the role of responsibility for illness in healthcare resource (...)
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    (1 other version)The master from mountains and fields: prose writings of Hwadam, Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk.Kyŏng-dŏk Sŏ - 2022 - Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press. Edited by Isabelle Sancho.
    The Master from Mountains and Fields is a fully annotated translation of the prose texts from the "collected works" of Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk (1489-1546), an influential Confucian scholar from the early Chosŏn period (1392-1910). A native of Songdo (also known as Kaesŏng) in present-day North Korea, Sŏ has loomed large in the Korean cultural imagination and appeared as an exceptional sage and popular hero in numerous tales, dramas, and films, yet his writings are little known outside the academic milieu. Also called (...)
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  47. Self-Interest and Virtue*: NEERA K. BADHWAR.Neera K. Badhwar - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (1):226-263.
    The Aristotelian view that the moral virtues–the virtues of character informed by practical wisdom–are essential to an individual's happiness, and are thus in an individual's self-interest, has been little discussed outside of purely scholarly contexts. With a few exceptions, contemporary philosophers have tended to be suspicious of Aristotle's claims about human nature and the nature of rationality and happiness. But recent scholarship has offered an interpretation of the basic elements of Aristotle's views of human nature and happiness, and of reason (...)
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  48. Invisible hands and the success of science.K. Brad Wray - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (1):163-175.
    David Hull accounts for the success of science in terms of an invisible hand mechanism, arguing that it is difficult to reconcile scientists' self-interestedness or their desire for recognition with traditional philosophical explanations for the success of science. I argue that we have less reason to invoke an invisible hand mechanism to explain the success of science than Hull implies, and that many of the practices and institutions constitutive of science are intentionally designed by scientists with an eye to realizing (...)
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    “Shevek” in Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Dispossessed.Norman K. Swazo - 2020 - Janus Head 18 (1):42-52.
    Political philosophy concerns itself with thematic, systematic interrogation of political ideas, structures, institutions, and practices. As such it privileges the authority of reason. But, the vision of the literary imagination likewise can and does contribute to human understanding and to imagining our common future. Ursula K. LeGuin is a master teacher of ethical politics in her award-winning novel The Dispossessed. Therein, the protagonist Shevek is presented as an edifying exemplar of “permanent revolution” in a uniquely “thinking mind.” His quest for (...)
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    Narrative self-appropriation: embodiment, alienness, and personal responsibility in the context of borderline personality disorder.Allan Køster - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (6):465-482.
    It is often emphasised that persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show difficulties in understanding their own psychological states. In this article, I argue that from a phenomenological perspective, BPD can be understood as an existential modality in which the embodied self is profoundly saturated by an alienness regarding the person’s own affects and responses. However, the balance of familiarity and alienness is not static, but can be cultivated through, e.g., psychotherapy. Following this line of thought, I present the idea (...)
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